A new All-In Cash Out feature is being tested by PokerStars
PokerStars is testing a new equity-protection feature with the world’s biggest online poker site launching the All-in Cash Out feature on its .NET play money site.
The new feature will allow cash game players to cash in their equity when they are all in, instead of playing out the remainder of the hand.
The players will be able to choose the all-in cash-out option and receive their share of the pot based on their equity in the hand, minus an administrative fee of 1%.
If both you and your opponent choose to take the cash-out option, the hand will end immediately.
If you opt to resume the hand, but your opponent decides to cash out, the hand will play out as usual, except they play the remainder of the hand against PokerStars, with the site keeping the money if they win.
The players can also choose to turn off the All-In Cash Out feature if they wish.
For now, PokerStars.net has some selected six-max No-Limit Hold’em tables that offer this new feature.
According to the rules posted on their site, the All-in Cash Out feature is set to be launched across all No-Limit Hold’em Six-Plus Hold’em and Pot-Limit Omaha cash games.
It is believed that this feature will become available across all of PokerStars’.COM markets, although it is highly unlikely that it will be featured any time soon on ring-fenced sites such as New Jersey, France, Spain, and Portugal due to the licensing laws in these regions.
PokerStar’s players have long had the option to Run It Twice, that is run on multiple boards when a player is all in.
Although the two features share some similarities, with the Run It Twice, both parties have to agree to run it twice, while an individual can choose all-in Cash Out without affecting the outcome for the other player or players in the hand.
Plus, on the tables where there is an All-In Cash Out active, Run It Twice is omitted.