World Poker Tour Was Sold!

The Irvine based Poker Tour was sold over the weekend. A Chinese gaming company was the lucky winner of the company, and bought them for $35 million. This is not the first time that the World Poker Tour has changed hands. The last time it was purchased in 2009, and kept up the traditional means that it kept doing throughout the world with each of the poker tournaments that kept on going. However, you cannot expect the same results with each and every owner that the company and name has when it is purchase, and this might be one of the times when the players are feeling a bit of the weight when it comes to the change.
Who The World Poker Tour Is
The World Poker Tour has sponsored many different poker tournaments throughout the world in the past years, and continues to be on the minds of many poker players. However, with the recent change, many players feel like the old rules and standards are going to go out the window when the new owners decide to take over.
The last time the company and name was purchased, they actually expanded on the tournaments and tours that they sponsored and put on. They put more money and fame into the name and the account, and now it is time for the Chinese company to do the same thing when it comes to owning a piece of this. They want to keep it going, but are still getting used to everything that has to be done for many of the tournaments and tours that are going to be taking place in the coming years.
We will all have to wait and see how this is all handled by them.
We do not know what the new owners have in store with the company, but we are hoping that they keep the legacy of the name going and continue to sponsor the tournaments and other championships throughout the years, but only time will tell on what is going to happen with the company and this name that so many people know so well.