The Winner of the Mid-States Poker Tour: Phanora Prom Wins $123,180 at the Golden Gates Casino
The Mid-States Poker Tour which was held at the Golden Gates Casino in Black Hawk, Colorado attracted a record breaking 510 entries in order for them to compete for their share of a grand prize pool that totaled $494,700. The final 87 players that were left on Sunday returned to the poker table in order to battle their way down to the last man standing winner. After a long 13 hours of poker playing the last man standing emerged in order to collect his share of the prize pool which totaled out to be $123,180 was Phanora Prom.
Phanora who comes from Denver, had a total of $75,744 in the tournament earning prior to being the last man standing, which included his 9th place finish within the MSPT’s visit to Black Hawk, Colorado in March of 2014.
The final results from the poker table were as follows:
10th place: George Clark who won $6, 431
9th place: Corey Zedo who won $9,839
8th place: Ross Reichert who won $14,098
7th place: Dave Kohnke who won $18,056
6th place: Michael Sanders who won $22,755
5th place: Ben Keeline who won $27,730
4th place: Don Angstead who won $35,370
3rd place: Aaron Thomas who won $44,523
2nd place: Sammy Aweida who won $69,258
And our 1st place winner Phanora Prom who won the grand total of $123,180
As the day begun there were a total of 33 players who needed to hit the rail in order to make the money. Among those players that left the table empty handed were the MSPT Grand Falls champion Alan Curl as well as Kevin Evster. Also to leave the table was the Colorado poker pro Bryan Devonshire.