The Insiders Talk Intrastate Online Poker
The Chairman of California-based U.S. Digital Gaming, Richard Bronson, recently discussed in an interview with CNBC News and ABC Nightly News the impacts that could be seen as a result of the Department of Justice’s Wire Act applied only to sports betting. A memo released mid-December 2011, declared that the Wire Act was not inclusive of interstate wire communications that relate to sporting events of contest. Essentially this statement gave online Poker the go ahead, putting some people at ease over speculation that prohibition was necessary on Online Poker as a result of the Act.
Poker groups and representative bodies, such as the Poker Players Alliance have dubbed this a victory for the online poker industry, with many previously fearing that their beloved sport was in jeopardy of becoming more scrutinized and limited.
Confusion over the DOJ’s Wire Act has been heavily discussed in the last month, particularly amongst gambling organisations, with many unsure as of what action to take and who would be affected by it. The lack of knowledge amongst those who could be affected the most had sparked a formal announcement by the DOJ to provide transparency, with many considering their remarks a significant step for online gambling.
“I think there’s always been a concern on the part of governors and other state officials that if they opted to legalize online gaming in their state, that the federal government might consider it a violation of federal law. In California, we had a ballot initiative in the last election in November to legalize marijuana. It didn’t pass, but the federal government put California on notice that even if the state passed the referendum, the federal government was going to step in and stop it because it’s a violation of federal law.” Stated Richard Bronson to CNBC.
I think part of the concern (with online poker) was that the federal government might step in and say, “You think this is a state’s right like lottery but you can’t do this.” The government is now in essence saying, “We won’t step in and do this,” which is epic.” Richard Bronson continued, saying that less federal scrutiny gives the game more space to breathe.
Whilst fears are calming in relation to this recent scare, there are still questions and concerns as to where Online Poker will expand to in the U.S., with the possibility of greater availability. Richard Bronson is adamant that changes will be made and progress is more than likely.
“In 2012. Without a doubt there are states that will legalize it in 2012. There are a lot of considerations that all revolve around money. Once they work through that, you’ll start to see this become legal in state after state after state. And when you and I talk again a year from now, you can be certain that there will be states that have online gambling operating in the U.S.”
[Source: Poker News]
Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Truth is the summit of being justice is the application of it to affairs.”