The Global Poker League has Released the Official Schedule and Announced the Grand Final will be held at Wembley

With only a very short six day before the very first ever Global Poker League starts off, Mediarea Entertainment who is the parent company of this grand event has finally released the league’s official schedule, and yes it includes the announcement that the leagues final will be held at Wembley Arena located in London, England.
“While most of the leagues content will be via and that of its very own mobile applications (that are set to be launched this summer), Mediarex Sports and Entertainment has built a very extensive distribution network to ensure the highest publicity for the league all across outlets which include the USA Today Sports.
The opening GPL season will take place within the dates of April 5, 2016 all the way through November 23, 2016. This very first season of the GPL is of course a large one and will be split into four different phases such as the Regular Season, the Summer Series, the Playoffs, and the Finals.
The GPL Regular Season will run from April 5, 2016 to September 22, 2016
The Regular season starts off at 9:00 am PST on Tuesday, April 5, 2016 with the first of four six-max events that involve players that are from all twelve franchises that make up the league.
The Summer Series will run from June 6, 2016 to July 8, 2016
During the summer series is when these players that are from all across the globe will meet in Southern Nevada for the ultimate 2016 WSOP.
The GPL Playoffs have yet to be Announced
During the playoffs the top eight teams from the twelve teams that started will be going head to head.
The GPL Finals will run from November 22, 2016 to November 23, 2016
The Finals will be taking place at the very iconic SSE Arena, Wembley which is located in London, United Kingdom.