Texas ready to consider regulation of Poker
Texas is about to become the newest US state to look at the regulation of poker within its boundaries. Suggested legislation sponsored by Democrat state senator Eddie Rodriguez would control the bricks and mortar game within the Lone Star state but would outlaw online poker, video poker and other electronic forms of the game.
The Texas Poker Gaming Act of 2013 has been around since late December and allows existing pari-mutuel facilities, bingo halls and tribal concerns to try to get licences to operate poker games. Tournaments would have a maximum buy-in of $100 but there would be no limits placed on cash games.
A maximum tax of 18% of gross revenues would be imposed against providers with a percentage of that figure going to the state’s Department of Housing and Community Affairs to help combat homelessness.
The bill is scheduled to obtain its first consideration when the Texas state legislature reconvenes later this month.