Potential Bankrolls for California through Online Poker
California poker enthusiast have been working on bringing online poker gaming to the state but all efforts have been declined for 2015. Despite the legislation not legalizing it some California based companies are looking to partner with online poker companies to bring some type of gaming sooner than later. Louisville based Churchill Downs have proposed a partnership with Los Angeles based Crystal Casino and Hotel in order to bring online poker to the Golden State. Upon legalization the companies look to plant their flag with hopes of a pending change in legislation at the 2016 elections.
In April, legislation did vote on their first bill pertaining to online poker that seem to offer some hope for hopeful poker savants. The estimated worth of the online poker industry would be far north of $300 million of annual revenue according to some supporters. The booming poker industry has been looking to find ways to expand the online gaming reach. Finding some leeway in California would be a major boost in economy for a state dealing with mounds of debt.
California hopefuls have been looking to add online poker to the gaming spectrum of the state for many years now but lack of government support has halted past plans. Now that they have understandable business plan and strategy with companies who have successfully implemented their strategy in areas where online poker is legal gives them some steam going into an election year. The climate of the California economy will ultimately play a significant role in the decision made by legislation. The dire need for new generated income throughout the state may be the biggest reason why they will finally vote on eventually pass an online poker legislation. The companies who are prepared to move already like Churchill Downs will be the biggest winners once the dust clears and the laws change.