Hard Rock Lucky Hearts Poker Open is Kicking Off

Kicking off one long week coming up, the Seminole Hard Rock Lucky Hearts Poker Open is starting off and about to provide those poker fans, and players a great turn of events. With some of the best players at the tables, and some more hopefuls to follow; you’re sure to find someone that is worth checking out on the table playing their hand and trying their luck at everything that is in front of them.
If they were worried about being beat before, this is not something that is going to faze them as the tournament comes to a start, and also to an end. Going from January 7 to the 20th, this long event is going to showcase some of the best players out there. With so many people wanting to buy into some of the biggest poker tournaments, you can make sure to get the most from the poker opening.
This is one of the four major poker series that happens throughout the year. It is one of the bigger ones, and if you’re a true poker fan than you might have been waiting for this announcement to happen. Most of the players that were in the other rounds come back to the next ones to make use of the time that they are given. They provide live updates and live streaming throughout the entire game, throughout the entire week; allowing you to keep up with the changes and hands that are played.
Going on in Sunny Florida, you can even purchase tickets to watch this tournament happen. This is one of the best ones to see, and one you wouldn’t want to miss. So either watch it on the television, online or keep updating yourself with the outcome. In addition to this, you should also consider purchasing tickets if you can make it live at the tournament. Meet some of the players, and make the most of the poker tournament.