Giving Some Poker Earnings to Charities
When it comes to giving away money, so many people are more than reluctant to give away that big chunk of change to just anyone that they come across. This is something that is going to take a bit more convincing to get it out of their pocket and put it into someone else’s. This is not something that just goes without saying. As much as it should be for some people out there that have much more than they need. These people however, will donate based on luck, based on a game and based on some facts that are put together.
This is why some of the poker players out there made donating to charities a bit more fun for those that have a lot of money and are less than willing to give. When it comes to getting the hands at the poker table, those rich givers have to guess what hands are going to come up and if they are wrong, they have to give to the charity of the players choice and if they are right, they can keep their money.
It is a great skill based way to watch the tournament unfold before their eyes, but also a great way to motivate more people to give to the charities that are in need. This is a big consideration that should be made, it is something that is going to make all the difference in the charities that need to raise money in order to do the specific things they are trying to do together.
If the poker player does win a top spot in the tournament, they generally do donate a portion of their proceeds to the charity of their choice. This is for their own benefit and to make a difference and a part of the world, unlike any other time when they come together. If this seems like something that someone you know that has a lot of money would love to be a part of then make sure to sign them up and get them started!
So many charities are now in need of the donations!