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DOJ Pleads To Lower Beckley’s Sentence

Written By: PokerNet.com | July 12, 2012 | Posted In Poker News

A request for a reduced sentence has been filed by The US Attorney’s Office in New York’s  Southern District for an executive of Absolute Poker, Brent Beckley. He has been said to be cooperative with the authorities following charges of money laundering and bank fraud filed in April of last year. Beckley’s sentencing has always been moved and postponed for several times already.

Federal Judge Lewis A. Kaplan has recommended a harsher sentence to Beckley compared to the 12-18 months incarceration that the prosecutors originally bargained for.

Assistant US Attorney Devin-Brown said that his sentence was unlike other people who have been charged with the same felony. Beckley, he says, has never disputed that lying to banks about what the money and payments were for. He has also never contested that his underlying gambling business was illegal. Instead, Beckley owned up to the allegations and returned to the US even if he had to do time.

Devlin-Brown added to his brief that Beckley has not been proved of deliberately causing banks to lose huge amounts of money. Also, there has been no proof that the Government has actual losses. His sentencing was supposed to take place on June 28, but has been frequently postponed for various reasons.


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