888 Poker Revenue Continues To Grow And Grow

888 Poker continue to take the world of online poker and internet gaming to a new level and today have announced record profits for the first quarter of this year, proving that last years record figures were no flash in the pan.
This time last year poker revenue at 888 was reported at $21 million, but already this year they have increased that to $24 million, which equates to a rise of 15%! For the whole of 2012 their poker revenue was $87.5 million so they are already well on course to beat that figure again.
In a statement released today an 888 spokesperson said, “Our performance continues to be led by our core casino and poker products and we are continuing to experience increases in customer deposits, bets and first time depositors.” When asked about the significant increases they simply put it down to a “successful winter marketing campaign.”
The report also stated that there are in the region of half a million active poker players, 474,000 to be exact, which is a significant increase of 17% on the same time last year. Also each one of those players are spending an average of $52 each per quarter playing poker at 888.
The revenue for the whole of 888 Holdings first quarter of 2013 was also up on the first quarter of last year too, with a record $103 million being recorded, another 9% increase on last years figures.
The 888 spokesperson also said, “The second quarter has started in line with expectations where trading reflects the historical seasonal pattern. Daily average revenue during the first 20 days of April is more than 3% above April 2012.”
So already the first three weeks of the second quarter are up on last years figures. It looks as though the future is very bright right now for all concerned at 888, and it will be interesting to see if they can maintain those figures over the remainder of the year, but if the current figures are anything to go by all records will be broken again.